Usma SPA hotel & camping

Hotel rooms

Discover the perfect combination of comfort and peace in our hotel’s cozy rooms. Rejuvenate and enjoy the comforts of letting us take care of your vacation!

Rest at the campsite

We offer you to enjoy a peaceful rest in a recreation complex built on the shore of the lake, where floating houses, camping cabins, beach apartments, as well as trailer parking and camping sites are available for the convenience of guests. Various active recreation options are also available, making your trip even more enjoyable.

Special offers

Restaurant VĒJA MEZGLI

Discover new flavors and enjoy a moment at the restaurant ”Vēja mezdžli”. A meal in our restaurant is prepared with love, using the best ingredients from local producers. The restaurant’s delicious dishes are complemented by a wide selection of drinks.

Relaxation & massages

Relax in our 210m2 SPA complex. Relaxing massages and a swim in the pool will help improve your well-being and restore your inner balance.

  • steam bath (+50 ℃)
  • aromatic sauna (+70 ℃)
  • BIO sauna (+65 ℃) – only on weekends
  • swimming pool 60m² (+29-31 ℃)
  • cold pool
  • whirlpool (water +36 ℃)
  • relaxation terrace with fireplace 40m2
  • massages and SPA rituals

Usma SPA hotel&camping is located 1.5 hours drive from Riga

Riga - Ventspils highway (E22, A10)
141 km from Riga, 45 km from Ventspils
near the gas station KOOL "Usma’’,
turn to Usma parish